concrete pilings, steel pilings

Concrete Pilings vs. Steel Pilings for Foundation Repairs

Concrete Pilings and Steel Pilings for Foundation Repairs: What Is the Difference?

concrete pilings, steel pilings

Concrete pilings or steel pilings? If your home needs , it is likely that you have already heard these terms. A trusted foundation repair company like Atlas Foundation Company in Fort Worth will be able to explain the difference and recommend the best material for your individual home’s needs. But it never hurts to have some knowledge going into the inspection. Both concrete and steel are good, solid options for giving strength and structure to your foundation. Here’s what you need to know about concrete pilings vs. steel pilings.

Atlas Foundation Company Installs Concrete Pilings and Steel Pilings. Call us at 817-478-1181.

Both types of pilings, concrete and steel, give your foundation stability and support, preventing and minimizing additional sinking and movement. Vertical pillars of either material are driven into the soil, providing a firm base when the soil cannot support the foundation. The pillars, or pilings, help transfer the weight of the foundation to rock and gravel several feet below the soil. Both concrete and steel are designed to withstand moisture and erosion, but also addressing any drainage issues is an important part to your foundation repair and maintenance. Both materials are installed in similar ways, using a hydraulic jack, and take about the same amount of time.

Concrete Pilings Facts

  • Concrete pilings are significantly less expensive than steel. The equipment to install them is also less expensive. This is definitely a factor if you are not staying in your home for a long time.
  • Concrete cannot go as deeply into the soil as steel (12-15 feet vs. up to 75 feet), so it’s not the best choice for very heavy structures on very deep soil.
  • Concrete can withstand high temperatures and are available in different shapes. They are larger in diameter than steel pilings.

Steel Pier Facts

  • Steel pilings can penetrate dense, clay soils and go as deeply as 70+ feet into the soil or until solid bedrock is reached. It is critical that they are inserted until bedrock so that they remain stable and give the necessary support.
  • Because steel pilings are so deep, they give stability and structure in areas with a lot of soil movement. They are a long term solution.
  • Steel pilings can support more weight and are a must for skyscrapers and taller buildings.
  • Steel pilings are considerably more expensive than concrete.
  • Steel pilings are thinner than concrete pilings and have less “skin friction”, or drag, while getting inserted into the soil.

Which Pier is the Right Choice for You?

If your home is not too heavy, and your soil is not too deep, concrete pilings can provide the needed foundation support at considerably less cost. In the Fort Worth area serviced by Atlas Foundation Company, concrete pilings are often adequate to stabilize and repair residential foundations, but sometimes the additional strength of steel may be warranted. A trained and experienced structural engineer will examine your foundation issues and soil type, and recommend the appropriate strategy for correcting the problems.

Does your foundation need repair with concrete pilings or steel pilings? Atlas Foundation Company will give a free inspection and estimate, offering the best advice for repairing your foundation. Specializing in residential foundation repair for over 50 years, you can trust Atlas Foundation to expertly install your concrete pilings or steel pilings. Contact us at 817-478-1181 today to schedule a no-cost, no-obligation estimate.


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